The problem of the verb TO BE (Ser or Estar) in Spanish.
Two verbs are different from each other:
SER: Is used to describe a permanent condition.
For example:
I am a man (YO SOY UN HOMBRE), you're a woman (USTED ES UNA MUJER). (this is a permanent condition) because we born with one or another genre to life.
EL PERRO ES UN ANIMAL. The dog is an animal (an animal life forever), is a permanent condition.
But, ESTAR is used to describe location or a temporary condition.
For example:
HOY ESTOY ENFERMO, MAÑANA ESTARÉ MEJOR. Today I am sick, I'll be better tomorrow.
Here, the physics of my disease condition can change from one condition or another, for better or worse, is a temporary condition.
EL LÁPIZ ESTÁ SOBRE LA MESA. The pencil is on the table.
EL LÁPIZ ESTÁ AHORA EN EL SUELO, SE CALLÓ AL SUELO. The pencil is now on the floor, it fell to the floor.
You’re in England, I am in Spain, We two are persons.
Here we see that ESTAR is used to differentiate the place where we are, secondly indicated that we are (SOMOS from SER) in a permanent condition: people, not an animal.
So before using one of the verbs, think the following: am I in a place or is something in that place?, then is temporal condition.
The same is used for emotions or feelings, ESTOY FÉLIZ, ESTOY TRISTE. I am happy, I am sad.
Are you from the gender male, because unless you do not change sex, you'll still being the masculine gender, or reverse, the female gender.
The person is person throughout its existence, the animal is an animal and each genre is a spice, does not change at all, it is a permanent condition.
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