domingo, 22 de enero de 2012

Algunos adjetivos y Adverbios en INGLÉS

Algunos adjetivos agrupados por terminaciones

acceptable, available, capable, comfortable, desirable, …
abnormal, central, digital, conventional, personal, rational, …
authoritarian, bohemian, republican, urban, veteran, …
arrogant, constant, distant, dominant, pleasant, relevant, …
familiar, particular, popular, similar, regular, spectacular, …
arbitrary, contrary, elementary, involuntary, revolutionary, …
accurate, adequate, considerate, delicate, desperate, …
complicated, connected, expected, related, sacred, united, …
barren, drunken, heartbroken, open, swollen, wooden, …
absent, efficient, different, frequent, impatient, insolent, …
diabetic, energetic, genetic, magnetic, pathetic, synthetic, …
beautiful, careful, colorful, harmful, painful, successful, …
audible, compatible, convertible, credible, impossible, …
atomic, alcoholic, alergic, analytic, electronic, pacific, …
alphabetical, asymetrical, biblical, biological, chemical, …
arid, avid, candid, frigid, humid, hybrid, rapid, rigid, …
agile, docile, fertile, fragile, hostile, sterile, versatile, …
alkaline, bovine, divine, feminine, masculine, genuine, …
amateurish, childish, feverish, foolish, lavish, selfish, …
aimless, careless, fearless, flawless, friendless, harmless, …
alike, childlike, ladylike, lifelike, manlike, warlike, …
brotherly. chilly, costly, deadly, ghostly, holy, kindly, …
circulatory, compensatory, conciliatory, contradictory, …
ambiguous, anonymous, dangerous, famous, nervous, …
aggresive, adhesive, compulsive, evasive, impulsive, …
awesome, bothersome, tiresome, lonesome, gruesome, …
addictive, attractive, constructive, corrective, defective, …

Los adverbios en inglés se pueden clasificar en las siguientes categorías: Adverbios de modo, adverbios de lugar, adverbios de tiempo, adverbios de duración, adverbios de frecuencia, adverbios de orden, adverbios de grado, adverbios de certeza. Aquí también encontrarás ejemplos traducidos al español.

De Modo - How? well, better, fast, slowly, carefully, easily, …De Lugar - Where?here, there, above, everywhere, away, …De Tiempo - When?now, early, late, soon, already, tomorrow, … De Duración - How long?all week, for a while, since yesterday, …De Frecuencia - How often?always, never, often, once a day, …De Orden - In what order?firstly, secondly, lastly, finally, …De Grado - To what degree? To very, completely, greatly, extremely, … De Certeza - How sure? certainly, indeed, of course, perhaps, …

Preguntas en inglés usando los distintos tiempos verbales y sus correspondientes auxiliares: do/does/did/have/has/had, etc. Aquí también encontrarás ejemplos traducidos al español.

Palabras para preguntar - What? / Which? / Where? / When? / Who? / Why? / How? / …Palabras para preguntar - How much? / How many? / What kind? / How often? / …Palabras para preguntar - How old? / How big? / How early? / What else? / …Preguntas con "Am/Are/Is"Am I right? / Are you sure? / Is she here?Preguntas con "Was/Were"Was I teaching? / Were you learning? Preguntas con verbos modales Can you drive? / Could you do me a favor? / Must you work today? Preguntas con "Will/Would"Will you play tennis tomorrow? / Would you work on Sundays? Preguntas con "Do/Does/Did" Do you live here? / Does he work in this company? / Did you see that? Preguntas con "Have/Has/Had" Have you seen the UFO? / Has he eaten his meal? / Had you lived there? Preguntas con "Be going to" Are you going to cook now? / Were you going to call me yesterday? Preguntas de confirmación You don't speak French, do you? Preguntas indirectas Do you know where she lives?

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